Showing posts with label @PostAuthorize. Show all posts
Showing posts with label @PostAuthorize. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

9. Role based data access

Many times we have a need to return data from an endpoint based on the role. Springframework provider easy mechanism for us to be able to do that. Let's take an example. In the previous example, we want to add a GET method in UserEndpoint that returns all the users. For any safe system, we want to return all the users if the role is ADMIN but if the role is USER then we want to return only that particular user. We don't want to write multiple methods for that purpose.
    @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
    @PostFilter("hasAuthority('ADMIN') or filterObject.authToken ==")
    public Iterable getUsers() {
        Iterable users = userRepository.findAll();
        return users;
The method is described above. As we can see it is an extremely simple method, it calls findAll method on the repository which will return all the valid user records and returns an Iterable collection back. The interesting aspect of this method is in the @PostFilter annotation. Let's try to understand the annotation. The first condition is hasAuthority('ADMIN'). It implies that if the authenticated role is ADMIN then return the records as it is. The next bit of the filter condition uses an object called filterObject. This is an automatically defined expression that we can use in @PostAuthorize filter. A complete list of all the expressions exists here. The expression filterObject is used for each element of a collection that is returned from the endpoint. Since we know that when this endpoint is called, we would only be authenticating using authToken, the name of authentication in security context is set to the token itself. We can verify this in the code in AuthenticationFilter class.
            else {

                Optional token = getOptionalHeader(httpRequest,"token");
                TokenPrincipal authTokenPrincipal = new TokenPrincipal(token);

The code fragment described above creates a TokenPrincipal object with the token as its name. That is the reason we have the condition filterObject.authToken == Taking the complete condition of @PostFilter we can see that the condition implies that return everything unconditionally if the role is ADMIN otherwise return the users with authToken as the currently authenticated user.
We have two users defined on the system. One has a role of the user and the other has a role of admin. Here are the examples of what happens when we call the endpoint with both of these users.
The first example is with a user with role USER.
$ curl -X GET "http://localhost:8081/user" -H "accept: application/json" -H "token: 3d47912d-73a0-4c4c-95e6-0486273d6221-28fa4f38-0f1b-4740-8e1d-3228288de631" | python -m json.tool
        "authToken": "3d47912d-73a0-4c4c-95e6-0486273d6221-28fa4f38-0f1b-4740-8e1d-3228288de631",
        "email": "",
        "expiry": 1548345909000,
        "fullname": "User",
        "id": 2,
        "mask": 1,
        "password": "User123",
        "username": "user"

The second example is with a user with role ADMIN.
$ curl -X GET "http://localhost:8081/user" -H "accept: application/json" -H "token: a137dd09-11e4-4dcf-a141-0b235d39a505-60d43bf4-3674-4248-be1d-c2669f14589f" | python -m json.tool
        "authToken": "3d47912d-73a0-4c4c-95e6-0486273d6221-28fa4f38-0f1b-4740-8e1d-3228288de631",
        "email": "",
        "expiry": 1548345909000,
        "fullname": "User",
        "id": 2,
        "mask": 1,
        "password": "User123",
        "username": "user"
        "authToken": "a137dd09-11e4-4dcf-a141-0b235d39a505-60d43bf4-3674-4248-be1d-c2669f14589f",
        "email": "",                                                                                         
        "expiry": 1548348263000,                                                                                                     
        "fullname": "Administrator",                                                                                                 
        "id": 3,                                                                                                                     
        "mask": 4,                                                                                                                   
        "password": "Admin123",                                                                                                      
        "username": "admin"                                                                                                          

As we can see above, the call with the role USER only returns the object related to that particular user while the call with the role returns all the users present in the system. This is how we can achieve role based object access without writing multiple endpoints.